- “産官学連携のNext Stageへ” 企業の研究開発パートナーとして大学・公的研究機関の魅力を高める -

2018年5月14日(月)大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス OIT梅田タワー 常翔ホール

2018年5月14日(月)大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス OIT梅田タワー 常翔ホール


芦原 康裕
京都大学 産官学連携本部 特任教授・本部長室長・知的財産部門長
今井 正栄
富士フイルム株式会社 執行役員 知的財産本部長
遠藤 嘉浩
(株)本田技研工業 知的財産・標準化統括部
二輪・パワープロダクツ事業知的財産部 部長
奥脇 智紀
ソニー株式会社 知的財産センター長
川名 弘志
小林 昭寛
大阪工業大学大学院知的財産研究科 研究科長・教授
清水 聖幸
国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 中部センター所長代理
杉浦 淳
大阪工業大学 知的財産専門職大学院 教授
長澤 健一
キヤノン株式会社 常務執行役員 知的財産法務本部長
萩原 弘之
ポールヘイスティングス 訴訟部 パートナー
正城 敏博
博士(工学), 大阪大学 共創機構 産学共創本部 テクノロジー・トランスファー部門長・教授
山崎 寿郎
大阪工業大学 教授 ・ 京都大学 産官学連携本部
Daniel P. McCurdy
CEO, Provenance Asset Group LLC
Dylan Lee (Li Danan)
Deputy Director, Licensing & IP Transaction Division, Intellectual Property Department Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Kevin Jakel
Founder & CEO, Unified Patents
Lionel Lavenue
Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Louis Avigdor
Partnership and Technology Transfer Adviser, CNRS Tokyo Office
French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Peter J. Moller
CChief Executive Officer, HEVC Advance LLC
Shawn Ambwani
COO, Unified Patents
ZhiWei Xie
Founder & CEO, ScienBizip Group
芦原 康裕

京都大学 産官学連携本部 特任教授・本部長室長・知的財産部門長


今井 正栄

富士フイルム株式会社 執行役員 知的財産本部長


知財協ライセンス委員会の小委員長。商標協会の模範対策委員会委員長。JBMIA模範対策委員会委員長等を経験し、中国、台湾の税関視察等を経験。 2016年度経産省国際知財制度研究会委員。

遠藤 嘉浩

(株)本田技研工業 知的財産・標準化統括部
二輪・パワープロダクツ事業知的財産部 部長


奥脇 智紀

ソニー 知的財産センター長


ソニー株式会社 入社 
Sony Europe GmbH赴任
(株)ソニー・コンピュータ・エンタテンメント 法務部 特許課長
ソニー株式会社 知的財産センター 特許部 統括部長
同 知的財産センター長


一般社団法人 日本国際知的財産保護協会 理事

川名 弘志



小林 昭寛

大阪工業大学大学院知的財産研究科 研究科長・教授


日本貿易振興会(JETRO)デュッセルドルフセンター 工業所有権調査員
特許庁 多角的交渉対策室長、国際協力室長
特許庁 審判企画室長/東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科教授
同 国際課長
同 特許審査第一部長
大阪工業大学大学院 知的財産研究科 教授(現職)
  • 平成5年、6年、15年、16年の計4回の特許法等の改正と運用基準の策定に従事。
  • WIPOやWTO等の多国間協定やPPH等の二国間合意の締結に従事。
  • 特許審査の品質管理体制の導入、事業戦略対応まとめ審査の導入など
清水 聖幸

国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 中部センター所長代理


通商産業省工業技術院産総研準備室及び人事課 調査官
内閣府総合科学技術会議事務局 参事官補佐
経済産業省産業技術環境局研究開発課 研究開発企画調査官
資源エネルギー庁新エネルギー対策課 総合技術調査官
杉浦 淳

大阪工業大学 知的財産専門職大学院 教授

横浜国立大学 計画建設工学研究科 修了
経済産業省 特許庁 入庁
同   審査第二部 土木 審査官
外務省 在モロッコ日本国大使館 一等書記官
特許庁 審判部 審判官、審判企画室 課長補佐
(財)知的財産権研究所 研究部長
同   同 アミューズメント 審査監理官
同   審判部第三部門 審判長
大阪工業大学 知的財産研究科 教授
長澤 健一


1959年1月31日 59歳


1981年3月 同志社大学工学部電子工学科 卒業


知的財産法務本部 特許技術センター
特許第四部 特許第42課 課長
知的財産法務本部 GIP管理室 室長
知的財産法務本部 知的財産業務センター
GIP部 副部長
Senior General Manager
知的財産法務本部 知的財産第二技術センター
Senior Director
知的財産法務本部 副本部長


一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会
知的財産委員会 企画部会委員
一般社団法人 発明推進協会 理事
一般社団法人 日本国際知的財産保護協会 副会長
一般財団法人 知的財産研究所 評議員
(現在 一般財団法人 知的財産研究教育財団)
産業構造審議会 知的財産分科会
弁理士制度小委員会 委員
科学技術・学術審議会 産業連携・地域支援部会
大学等知財検討作業部会 専門委員
知的財産戦略本部 検証・評価・企画委員会 委員
一般財団法人 工業所有権協力センター 評議員
一般財団法人 日本特許情報機構 評議員
一般社団法人 日本国際知的財産保護協会 会長
国立大学法人 東京工業大学 非常勤講師
日本ライセンス協会 理事


平成27年度 「知財功労賞 特許庁長官表彰」

萩原 弘之

ポールヘイスティングス 訴訟部 パートナー

知的財産に関するクロスボーダーの紛争案件、訴訟案件及び取引案件で、世界一流のテクノロジー企業、自動車メーカーおよびライフサイエンス企業を20年以上にわたり代理してきた実績を持つ。中心的に扱うのは、特許侵害事件、知的財産ライセンスをめぐる訴訟、ハッチ・ワックスマン法(Hatch-Waxman Act)関連の訴訟の他、刑事事件、民事事件及び行政事件の捜査等の、複雑なクロスボーダー案件。キャリアの初期には、大手の多国籍テクノロジー企業の国際ラインセンス部門にインハウスのアトーニーとして勤務。社外弁護士としてのプラクティスでは、米国の連邦裁判所や国際貿易委員会(ITC)で複雑な技術と法律問題がからむ数多くの知的財産訴訟を担当する他、複数の捜査事件でクライアントの代理人を務めてきた。

日本人として、米国訴訟実務の経験を豊富に有するという類まれな経歴を活かし、これまでに世界有数の一流企業をたびたび代理。クロスボーダーの紛争案件という複雑な領域で日本企業に助言をする第一人者として、これまでクライアントや各種メディアから高い評価を受けてきた。あるメディアでは、「アプローチが盤石なことで評判が高く、知的財産全般、特に米国の特許訴訟で実績が豊富」とされる(『Chambers Global』)。『IAM Patent 1000』は、「パートナー萩原弘之はビジネス面でも如才がなく、クライアントの資産から最大の利益を引き出す才能が飛び抜けている」と表現。別のメディアからは「Local Disputes Star」に選出された(「Benchmark Litigation」)。また、『週刊エコノミスト』誌では、『Chambers and Partners』で毎年上位にランクインする国際弁護士として紹介された。

正城 敏博

大阪大学 共創機構
産学共創本部 テクノロジー・トランスファー部門長・教授

大阪大学大学院博士後期課程(情報システム工学)を修了し、大阪大学にて研究 を進めたのち、2002年より産学連携の窓口機関に従事。国立大学法人化に伴う知 的財産関連や共同研究講座、ベンチャー支援組織等、特徴ある産学連携制度を整 備。現在、知的財産の管理・活用(技術移転)を担当。大学技術移転協議会理事。

山崎 寿郎

大阪工業大学 教授 ・ 京都大学 産官学連携本部

1986年 同志社大学法学部卒
2008年 株式会社日立製作所 知的財産権本部 IPビジネス本部長
2010年 RPXアジア株式会社 代表取締役
2011年 大阪工業大学 大学院知的財産研究科 教授
2013年 知財支援機構株式会社 代表取締役
2014年 Syndefense LLC CEO
2016年 ユニファイドパテンツアジア 社長
2017年 京都大学 産官学連携本部 戦略企画室長

Daniel P. McCurdy

CEO, Provenance Asset Group LLC

Dan McCurdy is the founding CEO of Provenance Asset Group. Provenance provides operating companies with assertion-ready patent rights to counter-assert against other operating companies alleging patent infringement.

In addition to his role at Provenance, Dan is also a Principal of Quatela Lynch McCurdy LLC which he joined on January 1, 2017. Previously, he was a senior vice president of RPX Corporation from July, 2014 through December, 2016. From 2008 through June 2014, Dan was CEO of Allied Security Trust and CEO of PatentFreedom. In June 2014, PatentFreedom was acquired by RPX.

Mr. McCurdy was also founding CEO of ThinkFire; President of Intellectual Property of Lucent Technologies and Bell Laboratories; a Vice President of IBM responsible for the creation of its Life Sciences business unit; a Vice President of Ciena Corporation where he directed merger, acquisition and corporate development; Director of Business Development for IBM Research; and Manager of Technology and Intellectual Property Policy for IBM worldwide.

Mr. McCurdy graduated summa cum laude from the University of North Carolina. He served on the Intellectual Property Policy committee of the United States’ National Academies, in 2011 was named CEO of the Year by Intellectual Property Magazine, and in 2014 was named one of the 40 most influential “movers and shakers” in IP transactions and acquisitions by Intellectual Asset Magazine. He has been named in the IAM Strategy 300, honoring the leading 300 IP strategists worldwide, every year since the annual list has been published.

Dylan Lee (Li Danan)

Deputy Director, Licensing & IP Transaction Division, Intellectual Property Department Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Dylan Lee currently leads a team for Huawei’s intellectual property investment and transactions department. This work includes patent purchase, sales, investment, patent alliance and consortium activities. He is also deeply involved in Huawei’s intellectual property strategy, licensing, litigation, disputes, structuring and policy matters etc.

Dylan Lee also leads the team to provide legal and intellectual property advice to all capital investment projects in Huawei, including mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, venture capital and divestures. This role makes him a key member of the company’s legal team.

Dylan Lee joined Huawei Technologies in 2005 having studied for his LL.M. degree at the University of Sheffield in the UK.

Kevin Jakel

Founder / CEO

Kevin Jakel is Founder and CEO of Unified Patents. Prior to founding Unified Patents, Kevin served as Intuit’s Head of IP Litigation. Kevin previously practiced as a patent litigator with Kaye Scholer LLP and Howrey LLP and advised clients on intellectual property strategy, litigation and patent prosecution. Kevin began his career in IP as a patent examiner at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Kevin has a JD from George Washington University Law School and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA

Lionel Lavenue

Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

Lionel Lavenue is a partner in Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP’s Reston, Virginia office. His practice focuses on patent trial litigation and on creating and managing large patent portfolios. With experience in more than 170 patent cases, Lionel has managed or served as first chair in numerous district court litigations, including more than 60 cases in the E.D. Texas, patent infringement cases under Section 1498(a) in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, disputes under Section 337 before the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), and arbitrations.

Lionel has argued dozens of Markman hearings. He directed the discovery for numerous complex cases and disputes, and he has taken or defended nearly 200 depositions. He also has experience with patent/IP appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. With experience in the preparation of over 1,000 patent applications, Lionel oversees the creation and management of large corporate patent portfolios. He has organized and managed numerous large domestic and foreign patent portfolios.

Lionel’s practice includes litigation, patent applications, and opinion work related to business methods, computers, software, and electrical and mechanical devices (including medical devices, especially medical device software applications). He has directed numerous ex parte and inter partes patent reexamination proceedings, including more than 75 “defensive reexaminations” used during litigations. As one of the first to challenge a patent via the inter partes review (IPR) procedure, he has led the filing of more than 75 IPR petitions and covered business method (CBM) petitions.

Lionel has a particular expertise with patent disputes involving Government contracts, including patent infringement claims under 28 U.S.C. § 1498, with extensive experience with numerous cases before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. He holds Public Trust clearance, and previously held Top Secret and Code Word clearances.

Lionel is an active airplane and helicopter pilot, and he counsels many aviation and aerospace companies on IP issues. Lionel also has extensive experience with drone, UAV, and UAS technologies.

Lionel and his wife are alpine mountaineers, skydivers, and adventurers. Of the Seven Summits (the highest peaks of the seven continents), they have summited six (Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa in 1999; Mt. Elbrus in Russia in 2002; Mt. Aconcagua in South America in 2002; Mt. McKinley in North America and Mt. Vinson in Antarctica in 2004; and Mt. Kosciuszko in Oceania in 2007) and plan expeditions to Mt. Cho Oyu in 2018 and to Mt. Everest in 2020.

Louis Avigdor

Partnership and Technology Transfer Adviser, CNRS Tokyo Office
French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)

Before moving to Japan, Louis Avigdor managed the partnership and technology transfer department at CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) office in Paris. CNRS is the largest research organization in Europe, with more than 30.000 employees and 1.000 laboratories, addressing all fields of science. Within the framework of a bilateral agreement between Kyoto University and CNRS, Louis Avigdor was seconded to Japan from 2015 to 2017, with a view to enhance cooperation on innovation and technology transfer between both institutions.
After his mission at Kyoto University, he has been appointed to CNRS Office in Tokyo since January 2018 in order to develop technology transfer activities in the 5 joint research labs that CNRS has set up with Japanese universities.
With a 15-year experience of dealing with public-private collaborative research, intellectual property and technology transfer affairs in France and Japan, Louis Avigdor has gained a precise knowledge of research landscapes and initiatives to foster innovation in both countries.

Peter J. Moller

Chief Executive Officer, HEVC Advance LLC

Peter J. Moller is CEO of HEVC Advance LLC. Pete led the formation of HEVC Advance and was appointed CEO upon commencement of operations on July 1, 2015.
Prior to his appointment, Pete was Executive Vice President of GE Ventures Licensing. In this role, Pete focused on technology commercialization and investment opportunities in innovative technology and intellectual property complementary to GE’s major initiatives, as well as overseeing business operations at various acquired companies. These investments included the acquisition of Fraunhofer’s HEVC patent portfolio; a substantial ownership position in SIPCO, a leading IP wireless mesh company; the acquisition of an ownership stake in MPEG LA, a patent pool administrator; and the acquisition of Imbera OY, a Finnish company with foundational technology and patents in microelectronic embedded packaging. Pete served as GE’s Board Representative to various companies in addition to MPEG LA.

Prior to this position, Pete lead Patent Licensing and Technology Development at GE Licensing, leading GE’s corporate patent licensing activities and GE Licensing’s technology development at GE’s Global Research Center.

Pete has over 30 years of experience in patent and technology licensing, technology commercialization, and technology investment, including leading GE’s participation in several patent pools managed by MPEG LA and serving as GE’s first board representative to MPEG LA from 2009 to 2015.

Pete received his MBA and B.A. in Finance, each with High Distinction, from Babson College.

Shawn Ambwani

COO / SVP Legal / Co-Founder

Shawn Ambwani is COO and co-founder of Unified Patents. He is responsible for running Unified’s operations, counsel & docket management, analytics, and marketing. He has co-authored papers on PTAB analytics and procedures which have been published in law reviews affiliated with the University of Chicago and Northwestern among others. A full list of his contributions can be found here. Most recently, Shawn was VP of Licensing and Business Development at Intertrust Technologies, Inc. responsible for patent and technology licensing programs with over $500 million in revenue. Prior to that he served as EVP at Nextreaming (KOSDAQ) and co-founded Envivio (NASDAQ; ENVI). Shawn has a JD/MBA from Boston University and a BS in Mathematics from UCLA. He is an active member of the California Bar.

ZhiWei Xie

Founder & CEO, ScienBizip Group

ScienBizip Group Founder & CEO
Senior Patent Agent and Litigation Agent
Council members of China IP Society
Government IP expert of Guangdong Province of China
Advanced Individual of IP work

Mr.Xie has specialized in IP industry for 20 years and he is very good at IP Management and Operation. His work experience and achievements are follows:

1.July, 2013 till now ScienBizip Group Founder & CEO

  • (1)Implemented a series of Large IP Business Consulting Project for government and enterprises
  • (2)Implemented National Patent Operation Platform Planning Program.
  • (3)Leaded team members to undertake Patent Operation experimental work, and granted by National Patent Operation Pioneer Enterprise.
  • (4)Participated in designing Patent Pledge Financing Project, the project was adopted by State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), SIPO promoted the project and widespread used it in many places.
  • (5)Invited by National Ministry of Industry and Information, Governments and large companies for Speech, lecturing Technology Standard-Patent and Patent Alliance, Enterprise IP Strategy, IP Risk subject, etc.

2.October, 2007 – June, 2013 Foxconn Technology Group IP Dept. General Manager, in charge of Foxconn global IP business.

  • (1)Foxconn IP achieved No.8 position of US Patents and the top three of China Invention Patent applications under Mr.Xie’ s leading
  • (2)Developed thousands of Internationalization IP Talents for China IP industry during Mr.Xie’s tenure.

3. July, 1998-September, 2007 Patent engineer and Dept. director, responsible for China and US patents for production line in each business unit.